a white pregnant woman with blond hair and white t-shirt semi-reclines on a massage table while a white woman with a long brown ponytail and black shirt stands behind, with her hands gently on the pregnant woman’s head. Photo by Carol Gray

Image description: a white pregnant woman with blond hair and white t-shirt semi-reclines on a massage table while a white woman with a long brown ponytail and black shirt stands behind, with her hands gently on the pregnant woman’s head. Photo by Carol Gray

Pregnancy & postpartum

More than just pregnancy/postpartum massage, nurturing bodywork for the childbearing year incorporates gentle craniosacral therapy and postural/body comfort education. Prenatal yoga and other home care suggestions are available with the goal of providing babies with optimal opportunities for mobility in the pelvis, while helping ease some of the common discomforts of pregnancy. Postpartum care is especially important for the physical and emotional health of people who have recently given birth. Clients receive confidential, compassionate, non-judgmental support as well as referrals for additional resources and providers as needed to address pregnancy loss, VBAC goals, mast cell disorders and other chronic conditions, cesarean recovery, birth trauma, perinatal mood disorders, and histories of sexual assault/abuse. Trans, gender-diverse, and intersex parents are warmly welcome.

Craniosacral therapy requires no disrobing, if that’s where your comfort level is. Swedish massage with oil or cream on undraped skin is also available.

Assessment and recovery guidance for diastasis recti, a separation of muscular structures in the belly, is also available. Internal pelvic floor massage therapy is available for labor preparation and childbirth recovery. Belly binding instruction is available and beautiful African wax-dyed cotton fabric for belly binding is available for purchase.

You can request an appointment by phone/text at (503)558-6160 or by email at elizabeth.ryan.LMT@gmail.com.
